Deacon René Maréchal
Permanent Deacon
Rev. Mr. René Maréchal was born in the Netherlands and moved to Canada when he was 12 years old. After marrying in 1979 and becoming a parishioner of St. Margaret Mary, he became actively involved in Parish life serving in several ministries. At the time he did not realize it but God, through these various ministries, was preparing him for the Diaconate.
It was Father Bill Trusz, the Pastor of St. Margaret Mary from 2005 -2012, who first suggested the Diaconate to him. After much discernment, Deacon René entered into the Diaconate Formation Program in the Fall of 2012 and was ordained on June 4, 2016 by Most Reverend Bishop Douglas Crosby at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Hamilton.
A Deacon’s role is essentially a ministry of service and charity which he fulfills at St. Peters Hospital and at various Retirement and Nursing Homes. He prays that his ministry brings the peace and comfort of the Lord to those most in need.